Sunday, 5 February 2012

Interesting Facts About 3M Paint Protection

The paint protection film was first developed during the Vietnam War and it served a military purpose. The army needed some material that will protect the blades of helicopters during missions in adverse conditions. This is how the clear bra came into existence.

The material was strong enough to keep the blade safe from the damage that would otherwise be caused by flying debris. Soon after, the paint protection film started gaining popularity outside the military sector. It was installed on the cars of NASCAR teams to offer reliable paint protection from chipping and scratching.

The current clear bra is made of a very thin and nearly 100 percent transparent layer of polyurethane. It is almost impossible to spot the clear bra, once it has been installed properly.

Clear bra came as a long awaited alternative to traditional leather and vinyl car bras. These have a number of advantages and imperfections that clear bra deals with effortlessly. The leather and vinyl bras are bulky and difficult to install. Additionally, they affect the appearance of a vehicle.

The vinyl and leather bras are incapable of providing a very tight fit. This means that moisture and dirt can get trapped underneath during rainfall or whenever the car is getting washed. The vinyl bra has to be removed each time poor weather is expected or the car is going to be cleaned.

3M paint protection is waterproof and once installed, it will stay on the car for its entire lifespan. The toughness of the film gives it five years of warranty. If maintained properly, the clear bra can remain in a good condition for even a longer period of time.

The next interesting set of facts focuses on the resilience of the film. Tests show that the clear bra is capable of withstanding the influence of debris like gravel and rocks flying at 60 miles per hour.

A test has even been performed involving a shotgun and CO2 cartridges. These were incapable of penetrating the film, despite the high speed. A test with a knife showed that the clear bra is offering some of the most reliable paint protection that the market has to offer currently.

Paint protection films are strong, easy to maintain and capable of standing the effects of extreme atmospheric conditions. These are all great advantages that lure many people into giving the clear bra a try.

It is also important to note that the material is suitable for all kinds of vehicles. It can stick to nearly any material. The proof of the claim is the manner in which many people use paint protection film outside the automobile industry. It can wrap nearly anything starting from hi-tech gadgets and moving on to garden furniture.

Clear bra can be installed on all kinds of vehicles, including boats and private airplanes. After all, the initial usage of the material was for the protection of aircraft. It is also the perfect shield for mountain bikes and trucks that are used in off road adventures. These types of vehicles need some serious protection and the clear bra will deliver.

3M paint protection film has been tested numerous times and all of the trials confirm its strength and practicality. To top it off, the product is affordable and very long lived. All of these interesting facts and characteristics turn it into a very popular product that will guarantee customer satisfaction.

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